Become a member of the
U Street Neighborhood Association
& Renew your annual membership
As a resident of the greater U Street area, you can help guide the changes taking place outside your front door. The more voices we have in the conversation, the stronger and more enjoyable our neighborhood will be.
Frequently asked questions
Who can be a member of the U Street Neighborhood Association?
While we welcome support from all, membership is available only to individuals whose principle residence (as recognized by the D.C. Board of Elections) is located within the association's boundaries; and/or is the owner or Chief Executive Officer of a business, church, school, or non-profit agency or organization whose principle office is located within the association's boundaries. The owner or CEO of organizations noted above may designate in writing an official voter on behalf of their organization.
Who can vote at meetings?
U Street Neighborhood Association regular meetings are open to everyone, however voting is limited to members only. Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote by the members. Voting at meetings shall be by voice vote. However, in order to vote, you need to be a member for 30 days preceding the meeting at which the vote is taken. When a member speaks on an issue in which he has a financial or business interest, the member shall so declare. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
When are the terms of my membership active?
Your membership will expire the last day of the month, 1 year (12 months) after you paid your membership dues
Memberships are assigned to individuals, not to households; no individual can hold more than one membership
Memberships are not transferable
All memberships have the same rights, privileges, restrictions, and conditions