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USNA Monthly Meeting

Now that December is upon us, it's time for USNA's last meeting of the year and our annual elections. We will have a virtual zoom meeting and conduct elections virtually again this year. The primary order of business will be to celebrate our accomplishments this year, thank everyone for their work, and welcome new leaders to the organization. Each committee chair to briefly recap what happened this year and what we can expect next year.

Zoom link:

The executive committee positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you're interested in any of these positions please reach out to by Wednesday, December 8. If you aren't interested in a leadership position this year but are interested in one next year, please also reach out to me. We really want to transition the organization to new members!

Election Voting Process

  • December 8: Deadline to express interest to Jenny to be on the executive Committee

  • December 9: Jenny will send a slate of candidates to USNA members

  • December 16: Hold elections at the annual meeting (note, it is unusual to have contested seats to it is usually a thumbs up and down vote)

Hope you can join us and thanks for all you do to bring life to our organization and neighborhood.

December 12

Holiday Tree Decorating

December 18

Volunteer Hours